Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Okay, at this point I'm tired of talking about technology. I like it, I think it's useful, but I have problems with it and I have written about those problems everywhere: here, on the discussion boards, in a letter to myself, and I think I might even remember spraying something about it on the 34th Street Wall. Now I want to talk about journals. It seems I've got a lot of those these days, and it's kinda hard to keep track. This is one, of course, and I've got, let's see... oh, a bunch of others, especially if you count the discussion forums, which are really half-journals themselves. Maybe our instructors have journals about our journals. (Of course they do. It's called a grade book, and I am really glad I'm not in charge of it.)
Anyway, school goes well. All of us proteachers made it through okay and so did Ron Zook, so I think we're gonna be all right. (Not that I really had any doubts about us students...) The second week will be interesting. It'll be our first time coming back to grad school after days off, and I wonder to what extent a sense of familiarity will exist. Yeah, it's only been five days, but hey, we've done a Tuesday as master's students before! So I guess we'll see what happens.
PS - I tried to post this yesterday and couldn't. So I'm posting it today, and I'll tell you what we English proteachers felt: cold. Our composition class was FREEZING. Other than that, things are great.