Okay, at this point I'm tired of talking about technology. I like it, I think it's useful, but I have problems with it and I have written about those problems everywhere: here, on the discussion boards, in a letter to myself, and I think I might even remember spraying something about it on the 34th Street Wall. Now I want to talk about journals. It seems I've got a lot of those these days, and it's kinda hard to keep track. This is one, of course, and I've got, let's see... oh, a bunch of others, especially if you count the discussion forums, which are really half-journals themselves. Maybe our instructors have journals about our journals. (Of course they do. It's called a grade book, and I am really glad I'm not in charge of it.)
Anyway, school goes well. All of us proteachers made it through okay and so did Ron Zook, so I think we're gonna be all right. (Not that I really had any doubts about us students...) The second week will be interesting. It'll be our first time coming back to grad school after days off, and I wonder to what extent a sense of familiarity will exist. Yeah, it's only been five days, but hey, we've done a Tuesday as master's students before! So I guess we'll see what happens.
PS - I tried to post this yesterday and couldn't. So I'm posting it today, and I'll tell you what we English proteachers felt: cold. Our composition class was FREEZING. Other than that, things are great.
The Amateur PROTEACHer
In which Regine progresses through the first semester of the English Education master's degree program at UF.