Sunday, December 01, 2002

Well, here we are [sniff, sniff.] Although I will probably update this sucker every now and then, this is the last official Blog post for the semester. Absolutely unbelievable - as dumb as I know it sounds, I remember my first Blog entry as if I wrote it yesterday. But all I have to do is take a look at my notebooks, stuffed to the breaking point with completed assignments and questions and comments and (amazingly enough) notes, to know that not only have whole months gone by but that they've been very, very busy ones. And now it's the two-week press, and before we know it it'll be Christmas. Whoa.

The semester has gone better than I ever hoped it would. Cool instructors, cool classmates, enough work to make me concentrate and be at least a little impressed with myself for finishing it, two nice conferences, and a partridge in the pear tree. I wonder what next semester will be like, though. I don't doubt that I'll enjoy myself and be hugely busy and all that, but there are some things I look forward to discovering: will our group dynamic change when we don't see each other quite as frequently? will I have to buy books for the two classes we'll be in? will I completely mess up those poor sixth-graders consigned to my charge for ten weeks? I'm hoping the answer is "not really" for all of those questions, but I'd be willing to buy (cheap) books if that meant I could say "no" to the other two questions....

One last thing, Allan. I don't know if you care about my feelings toward the Blog one way or the other, and I don't know if you'll be in a position to do this with next year's class or what, but: I think this has been a cool part of the course. We didn't have to post with annoying frequency, and it's been fun composing my thoughts for someone else's reading (whether you actually read the whole of each entry or not.) I have only a very vague idea of what my classmates think about it, but I liked it. Blogger rules, man! ;-)